Tagged “development”
Lightning Fast Web Performance course by Scott Jehl
I purchased Scott’s course back in 2021 and immediately liked it, but hadn’t found the space to complete it until now. Anyway, I’m glad I have as it’s well structured and full of insights and practical tips. I’ll use this post to summarise my main takeaways.
It's 2023, here is why your web design sucks (by Heather Buchel)
Heather explores why we no longer have “web designers”.
It's been belittled and othered away. It's why we've split that web design role into two; now you're either a UX designer and you can sit at that table over there or you're a front-end developer and you can sit at the table with the people that build websites.
Blog development decisions
Here are some recurring development decisions I make when maintaining my personal website/blog, with some accompanying rationale.
A blog post which uses every HTML element (by Patrick Weaver)
An interesting article which helps the author – and his readers – understand some of the lesser-used and more obscure HTML elements.
Shoelace: a forward-thinking library of web components
I’m interested by Shoelace’s MO as a collection of pre-rolled, customisable web components. The idea is that it lets individuals and teams start building with web components – components that are web-native, framework-agnostic and portable – way more quickly.
I guess it’s a kind of Bootstrap for web components? I’m interested to see how well it’s done, how customisable the components are, and how useful it is in real life. Or if nothing else, I’m interested to see how they built their components!
It’s definitely an interesting idea.
Use z-index only when necessary
There’s a great section on Source order and layers in Every Layout’s Imposter layout. It’s a reminder that when needing to layer one element on top of the other you should:
- favour a modern layout approach such as CSS Grid over absolute positioning; and
- not apply
unless it’s necessary.
which elements appear over which is, by default, a question of source order. That is: if two elements share the same space, the one that appears above the other will be the one that comes last in the source.
is only necessary where you want to layer positioned elements irrespective of their source order. It’s another kind of override, and should be avoided wherever possible.
An arms race of escalating z-index values is often cited as one of those irritating but necessary things you have to deal with using CSS. I rarely have z-index problems, because I rarely use positioning, and I’m mindful of source order when I do.
The fear of keeping up (on gomakethings)
Great post by Chris here on the double-edged-sword of our rapidly-evolving web standards, and how to stay sane. On the one hand the latest additions to the HTML, CSS and JavaScript standards are removing the need for many custom tools which is positive. However:
it can also leave you feeling like it’s impossible to keep up or learn it all. And that’s because you can’t! The field is literally too big to learn everything. “Keeping up” is both impossible and overrated. It’s the path to burnout.
Design Systems should avoid “God components” and Swiss Army Knives
Something we often talk about in our Design System team is that components should not be like Swiss Army Knives. It’s better for them to be laser-focused because by limiting their scope to a single task they are more reusable and support a more extensible system through composition.
Displaying tables on narrow screens
Responsive design for tables is tricky. Sure, you can just make the table’s container horizontally scrollable but that’s more a developer convenience than a great user experience. And if you instead try to do something more clever, you can run into challenges as I did in the past. Still, we should strive to design good narrow screen user experiences for tables, alongside feasible technical solutions to achieve them.
Full disclosure
Whether I’m thinking about inclusive hiding, hamburger menus or web components one UI pattern I keep revisiting is the disclosure widget. Perhaps it’s because you can use this small pattern to bring together so many other wider aspects of good web development. So for future reference, here’s a braindump of my knowledge and resources on the subject.
Should I use a button or a link?
I’ve written previously about the important differences between buttons and links. While reviewing some “component refresh” design mocks at work yesterday I noticed the designs were a bit unclear in this regard so I sent the designers a little decision-tree, which I’m noting here for future reference.
What open-source design systems are built with web components?
Alex Page, a Design System engineer at Spotify, has just asked:
What open-source design systems are built with web components? Anyone exploring this space? Curious to learn what is working and what is challenging. #designsystems #webcomponents
And there are lots of interesting examples in the replies.
Saving CSS changes in DevTools without leaving the browser
Browser devtools have made redesigning a site such a pleasure. I love writing and adjusting a CSS file right in the sources panel and seeing design changes happen as I type, and saving it back to the file. (…) Designing against live HTML allows happy accidents and discoveries to happen that I wouldn't think of in an unconstrained design mockup
I feel very late to the party here. I tend to tinker in the DevTools Element Styles panel rather than save changes. So, inspired by Scott, I’ve just tried this out on my personal website. Here’s what I did.
Partnering with Google on web.dev (on adactio.com)
At work in our Design System team, we’ve been doing a lot of content and documentation writing for a new reference website. So it was really timely to read Jeremy Keith of Clearleft’s new post on the process of writing Learn Responsive Design for Google’s web.dev resource. The course is great, very digestible and I highly recommend it to all. But I also love this new post’s insight into how Google provided assistance, provided a Content handbook as “house style” for writing on web.dev and managed the process from docs and spreadsheets to Github. I’m sure there will be things my team can learn from that Content Handbook as we go forward with our technical writing.
Building a toast component (by Adam Argyle)
Great tutorial (with accompanying video) from Adam Argyle which starts with a useful definition of what a Toast
is and is not:
Toasts are non-interactive, passive, and asynchronous short messages for users. Generally they are used as an interface feedback pattern for informing the user about the results of an action. Toasts are unlike notifications, alerts and prompts because they're not interactive; they're not meant to be dismissed or persist. Notifications are for more important information, synchronous messaging that requires interaction, or system level messages (as opposed to page level). Toasts are more passive than other notice strategies.
Web animation tips
Warning: this entry is a work-in-progress and incomplete. That said, it's still a useful reference to me which is why I've published it. I’ll flesh it out soon!
There are lots of different strands of web development. You try your best to be good at all of them, but there’s only so much time in the day! Animation is an area where I know a little but would love to know more, and from a practical perspective I’d certainly benefit from having some road-ready solutions to common challenges. As ever I want to favour web standards over libraries where possible, and take an approach that’s lean, accessible, progressively-enhanced and performance-optimised.
Here’s my attempt to break down web animation into bite-sized chunks for ocassional users like myself.
Front-end architecture for a new website (in 2021)
Just taking a moment for some musings on which way the front-end wind is blowing (from my perspective at least) and how that might practically impact my approach on the next small-ish website that I code.
Enhance! by Jeremy Keith—An Event Apart video (on Vimeo)
A classic talk by Jeremy Keith on progressive enhancement and the nature of the web and its technologies.
Learn Responsive Design (on web.dev)
Jeremy Keith’s new course for Google’s web.dev learning platform is fantastic and covers a variety of aspects of responsive design including layout (macro and micro), images, icons and typography.
Resources for learning front-end web development
A designer colleague recently asked me what course or resources I would recommend for learning front-end web development. She mentioned React at the beginning but I suggested that it’d be better to start by learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. As for React: it’s a subset or offshoot of JavaScript so it makes sense to understand vanilla JS first.
For future reference, here are my tips.
Collapsible sections, on Inclusive Components
It’s a few years old now, but this tutorial from Heydon Pickering on how to create an accessible, progressively enhanced user interface comprised of multiple collapsible and expandable sections is fantastic. It covers using the appropriate HTML elements (buttons) and ARIA attributes, how best to handle icons (minimal inline SVG), turning it into a web component and plenty more besides.
Icon has Cheezburger (a Clearleft dConstruct newsletter)
Jeremy Keith deconstructs the cheeseburger icon and—referencing Luke Wroblewski’s Obvious Always Wins mantra—argues that while icons alone look tasty they risk users failing to understand and engage.
BBC WebCore Design System
A Storybook UI explorer containing the components and layouts for making the front end of a BBC web experience.
From designing interfaces to designing systems (on The history of the web)
A history of Design Systems by Jay Hoffman taking in (amongst other milestones) the notion of Front-end Style Guides, followed by the arrival of Bootstrap, then Brad Frost’s Atomic Design, culminating in the dawn of the Design System movement with Jina Anne’s Clarity Conference.
Buttons and links: definitions, differences and tips
On the web buttons and links are fundamentally different materials. However some design and development practices have led to them becoming conceptually “bundled together” and misunderstood. Practitioners can fall into the trap of seeing the surface-level commonality that “you click the thing, then something happens” and mistakenly thinking the two elements are interchangeable. Some might even consider them as a single “button component” without considering the distinctions underneath. However this mentality causes our users problems and is harmful for effective web development. In this post I’ll address why buttons and links are different and exist separately, and when to use each.
Broken Copy, on a11y-101.com
Here’s an accessibility tip that’s new to me. When the content of a heading, anchor, or other semantic HTML element contains smaller “chunks” of span
and em
(etc), the VoiceOver screen reader on Mac and iOS annoyingly fails to announce the content as a single phrase and instead repeats the parent element’s role for each inner element. We can fix that by adding an inner “wrapper” element inside our parent and giving it role=text
Motion One: The Web Animations API for everyone
A new animation library, built on the Web Animations API for the smallest filesize and the fastest performance.
Testing ES modules with Jest
Here are a few troubleshooting tips to enable Jest, the JavaScript testing framework, to be able to work with ES modules without needing Babel in the mix for transpilation. Let’s get going with a basic set-up.
Harry Roberts says “Get Your Head Straight”
Harry Roberts (who created ITCSS for organising CSS at scale but these days focuses on performance) has just given a presentation about the importance of getting the content, order and optimisation of the <head>
element right, including lots of measurement data to back up his claims. Check out the slides: Get your Head Straight
The accessibility of conditionally revealed questions (on GOV.UK)
Here’s something to keep in mind when designing and developing forms. GOV.UK’s accessibility team found last year that there are some accessibility issues with the “conditional reveal” pattern, i.e. when selecting a particular radio button causes more inputs to be revealed.
W3C Design System
The W3C have just published a new Design System. It was developed by British Digital Agency Studio 24, who are also working (in the open) on the redesign of the W3C website.
Accessibility Testing (on adactio.com)
In this journal entry, Jeremy Keith argues that when it comes to accessibility testing it’s not just about finding issues—it’s about finding the issues at the right time.
Practical front-end performance tips
I’ve been really interested in the subject of Web Performance since I read Steve Souders’ book High Performance Websites back in 2007. Although some of the principles in that book are still relevant, it’s also fair to say that a lot has changed since then so I decided to pull together some current tips. Disclaimer: This is a living document which I’ll expand over time. Also: I’m a performance enthusiast but not an expert. If I have anything wrong, please let me know.
Doppler: Type scale with dynamic line-height
on the web is a tricky thing, but this tool offers a clever solution.
Big list of http static server one-liners
Lots of different options for running a local web server. Choose from npx, ruby, python and many more.
Accessible Color Generator
There are many colour contrast checking tools but I like this one from Erik Kennedy (of Learn UI Design) a lot. It features an intuitive UI using simple, human language that mirrors the task I’m there to achieve, and it’s great that if your target colour doesn’t have sufficient contrast to meet accessibility guidelines it will intelligently suggest alternatives that do.
SVG Gobbler
SVG Gobbler is a browser extension that finds the vector content on the page you’re viewing and gives you the option to download, optimize, copy, view the code, or export it as an image.
Progressively enhanced burger menu tutorial by Andy Bell
Here’s a smart and comprehensive tutorial from Andy Bell on how to create a progressively enhanced narrow-screen navigation solution using a custom element. Andy also uses Proxy
for “enabled” and “open” state management, ResizeObserver
on the custom element’s containing header
for a Container Query like solution, and puts some serious effort into accessible focus management.
Should I use the HTML5 section element and if so, where?
Unlike other HTML5 elements such as header
, footer
and nav
, it’s never been particularly clear to me when is appropriate to use section
. This is due in large part to many experts having expressed that it doesn’t quite work as intended.
Manage Design Tokens in Eleventy
One interesting aspect of the Duet Design System is that they use Eleventy to not only generate their reference website but also to generate their Design Tokens.
Duet Design System
Here’s a lovely Design System that interestingly uses Eleventy for its reference website and other generated artefacts:
We use Eleventy for both the static documentation and the dynamically generated parts like component playgrounds and design tokens. We don’t currently use a JavaScript framework on the website, except Duet’s own components.
Favourite Eleventy (11ty) Resources
Here are my current go-to resources when building a new site using Eleventy (11ty).
Astro looks very interesting. It’s in part a static site builder (a bit like Eleventy) but it also comes with a modern (revolutionary?) developer experience which lets you author components as web components or in a JS framework of your choice but then renders those to static HTML for optimal performance. Oh, and as far as I can tell theres no build pipeline!
Astro lets you use any framework you want (or none at all). And if most sites only have islands of interactivity, shouldn’t our tools optimize for that?
clipboard.js - Copy to clipboard without Flash
Here’s a handy JS package for “copy to clipboard” functionality that’s lightweight and installable from npm.
How to Favicon in 2021 (on CSS-Tricks)
Some excellent favicon tips from Chris Coyier, referencing Andrey Sitnik’s recent article of the same name.
I always appreciate someone looking into and re-evaluating the best practices of something that literally every website needs and has a complex set of requirements.
Front-of-the-front-end and back-of-the-front-end web development (by Brad Frost)
The Great Divide between so-called front-end developers is real! Here, Brad Frost proposes some modern role definitions.
A front-of-the-front-end developer is a web developer who specializes in writing HTML, CSS, and presentational JavaScript code.
A back-of-the-front-end developer is a web developer who specializes in writing JavaScript code necessary to make a web application function properly.
Issues with Source Code Pro in Firefox appear to be fixed
Last time I tried Source Code Pro as my monospaced typeface for code examples in blog posts, it didn’t work out. When viewed in Firefox it would only render in black meaning that I couldn’t display it in white on black for blocks of code. This led to me conceding defeat and using something simpler.
Design system components, recipes, and snowflakes (on bradfrost.com)
An excellent article from Brad Frost in which he gives us some vocabulary for separating context-agnostic components intended for maximal use from specific variants and one-offs.
A First Look at aspect-ratio (on CSS-Tricks)
Chris Coyier takes the new CSS aspect-ratio
property for a spin and tests how it works in different scenarios.
Vanilla JS List
Here’s Chris Ferdinandi’s curated list of organisations which use vanilla JS to build websites and web apps.
You don’t need a heavyweight JavaScript framework, and vanilla JS does scale.
Use CSS Clamp to create a more flexible wrapper utility (on Piccalilli)
Here’s Andy Bell recommending using CSS clamp()
to control your wrapper/container width
because it supports setting a preferred value in vw
to ensure sensible gutters combined with a maximum tolerance in rem
—all in a single line of code.
If we use clamp() to use a viewport unit as the ideal and use what we would previously use as the max-width as the clamp’s maximum value, we get a much more flexible setup.
Accessible interactions (on Adactio)
Jeremy Keith takes us through his thought process regarding the choice of link or button
when planning accessible interactive disclosure elements.
Meta Tags - Preview, Edit and Generate
A handy tool which lets you type in a URL then inspects that page’s meta tags and shows you how it will be presented on popular websites.
Comparing Browsers for Responsive Design (on CSS-Tricks)
Chris Coyier checks out Sizzy, Polypane et al and decides which suits him best.
There are a number of these desktop apps where the goal is showing your site at different dimensions all at the same time. So you can, for example, be writing CSS and making sure it’s working across all the viewports in a single glance.
Progressively enhanced JavaScript In Real Life
Over the last couple of days I’ve witnessed a good example of progressive enhancement “In Real Life”. And I think it’s good to log and share these validations of web development best practices when they happen so that their benefits can be seen as real rather than theoretical.
A Utility Class for Covering Elements (on CSS { In Real Life })
Need to overlay one HTML element on top of and fully covering another, such as a heading with translucent background on top of an image? Michelle Barker has us covered with this blog post in which she creates an overlay
utility to handle this. She firstly shows how it can be accomplished with positioning, then modernises her code using the inset
CSS logical property, before finally demonstrating a neat CSS Grid based approach.
Create an Automatically Responsive Flexbox Gallery (on egghead.io)
Here’s a lovely intrinsically responsive (no media queries) photo gallery solution from Stephanie Eckles. It can accommodate differently sized images and achieves its layout by a combination of flexbox features (flex-wrap
, flex-basis
) and by applying object-fit: cover
to photos to make them fully cover their parent list items.
My Command Line Cheatsheet
Here’s a list of useful terminal commands for my reference and yours.
My DevTools Cheatsheet
Here’s a (work in progress) list of useful (Mac) Browser DevTools tips, tricks and keyboard shortcuts for my reference and yours. This is a work in progress and I’ll update it as I go.
Browser Support Heuristics
In web development it’s useful when we can say “if the browser supports X, then we know it also supports Y”.
My Screen Reader Cheatsheet
Here’s a list of useful Screen Reader commands and tips for my reference and yours. This is a work in progress and I’ll update it as I go.
How-to: Create accessible forms - The A11Y Project
Here are five bite-sized and practical chunks of advice for creating accessible forms.
- Always label your inputs.
- Highlight input elements on focus.
- Break long forms into smaller sections/pages.
- Provide error messages (rather than just colour-based indicators)
- Avoid horizontal layout forms unless necessary.
Cheating Entropy with Native Web Technologies (on Jim Nielsen’s Weblog)
This is why, over years of building for the web, I have learned that I can significantly cut down on the entropy my future self will have to face by authoring web projects in vanilla HTML, CSS, and JS. I like to ask myself questions like:
- Could this be done with native ES modules instead of using a bundler?
- Could I do this with DOM scripting instead of using a JS framework?
- Could I author this in CSS instead of choosing a preprocessor?
How to hide elements on a web page
In order to code modern component designs we often need to hide then reveal elements. At other times we want to provide content to one type of user but hide it from another because it’s not relevant to their mode of browsing. In all cases accessibility should be front and centre in our thoughts. Here’s my approach, heavily inspired by Scott O’Hara’s definitive guide Inclusively Hidden.
A Guide To The State Of Print Stylesheets In 2018 - Smashing Magazine
Rachel Andrew explains how to write CSS for a nicely optimised printed page that uses a minimum of ink and paper and ensures that content is easy to read.
Better Alt Text
I’ve just read The A11Y Project’s page on alt
As most of us know, the HTML alt
attribute is for providing “alternate text” descriptions of images to help ensure people do not miss out on information conveyed by graphics. This can help people using assistive technology such as screen readers, and in situations where images are slow or fail to load.
The article made some interesting points and even though I’ve been using the alt
attribute for years I found three common cases where I could improve how I do things.
Setting an accessibility standard for a UK-based commercial website
When advocating accessible web practices for a commercial website, the question of “what does the law require us to do?” invariably arises.
Here’s an interesting tool for creating and sharing small-ish web pages without having to build a website or organise hosting.
itty.bitty takes html (or other data), compresses it into a URL fragment, and provides a link that can be shared. When it is opened, it inflates that data on the receiver’s side.
When there is no content between headings
Hidde de Vries explains why an HTML heading should never be immediately followed by another.
When you use a heading element, you set the expectation of content.
The difference between aria-label and aria-labelledby (Tink - Léonie Watson)
attributes do the same thing but in different ways. Sometimes the two attributes are confused and this has unintended results. This post describes the differences between them and how to choose the right one.
Create a line break while maintaining inline status (on Piccalilli)
Sometimes you want to create a line break after an inline element, while retaining that inline element’s inline status.
Daniel Post shared a really cool performance-optimisation trick for Eleventy on Twitter the other day. When statically generating your site you can loop through your pages and, for each, use PurgeCSS to find the required CSS, then inline that into the <head>
. This way, each page contains only the CSS it needs and no more!
I’ve just installed this on my personal site. I was already inlining my CSS into the <head>
but the promise of only including the minimum CSS that each specific page needs was too good to resist.
Turned out it was a breeze to get working, a nice introduction to Eleventy transforms, and so far it’s working great!
Thoughts on inline JavaScript event handlers in the <head>
I’ve been thinking about Scott Jehl’s “simplest way to load external CSS asynchronously” technique. I’m interested in its use of an inline (onload
) event handler for running JavaScript-based enhancements in the <head>
, in the context of some broader ruminations on how best to progressively enhance UI elements with JavaScript (for example adding toggle show/hide) without causing layout jank.
Hero Patterns: Free repeatable SVG background patterns for your web projects
From Steve Schoger:
A collection of repeatable SVG background patterns for you to use on your web projects.
Inclusive Datepicker (by Tommy Feldt)
A human-friendly datepicker. Supports natural language manual input through Chrono.js. Fully accessible with keyboard and screen reader.
form best practices (on web.dev)
Sam Dutton advises how to use cross-platform browser features to build sign-in forms that are secure, accessible and easy to use.
Three CSS Alternatives to JavaScript Navigation (on CSS-Tricks)
In general this is a decent article on non-JavaScript-based mobile navigation options, but what I found most interesting is the idea of having a separate page for your navigation menu (at the URL /menu, for example).
Who said navigation has to be in the header of every page? If your front end is extremely lightweight or if you have a long list of menu items to display in your navigation, the most practical method might be to create a separate page to list them all.
The Simplest Way to Load CSS Asynchronously (Filament Group)
Scott Jehl of Filament Group demonstrates a one-liner technique for loading external CSS files without them delaying page rendering.
Color Theme Switcher (on mxb.dev)
Max shows us how to build a colour theme switcher to let users customise your website. He uses a combination of Eleventy, JSON, Nunjucks with macros, a data attribute on the html element, CSS custom properties and a JavaScript based switcher.
Sass and clamp (on Adactio: Journal)
Given what we can now do with CSS, do we still need Sass?
Sass was the hare. CSS is the tortoise. Sass blazed the trail, but now native CSS can achieve much the same result.
Best practice techniques for SVG Icons
Here’s how I’d handle various common SVG icon scenarios with accessibility in mind.
SVG Backgrounds – Create Customizable, Hi-Def, and Scalable Backgrounds.
SVGs enable full-screen hi-res visuals with a file-size near 5KB and
are well-supported by all modern browsers. What's not to love?
Font Match
A font pairing app that helps you match fonts – useful for pairing a webfont with a suitable fallback. You can place the fonts on top of each other, side by side, or in the same line. You can adjust your fallback font’s size and position to get a great match.
Font style matcher
If you’re using a web font, you're bound to see a flash of unstyled text (or FOUC), between the initial render of your websafe font and the webfont that you’ve chosen. This usually results in a jarring shift in layout, due to sizing discrepancies between the two fonts. To minimize this discrepancy, you can try to match the fallback font and the intended webfont’s x-heights and widths. This tool helps you do exactly that.
Debouncing vs. throttling with vanilla JS (on Go Make Things)
Chris explains how debouncing and throttling are two related but different techniques for improving performance and user experience when working with frequently invoked JavaScript event handlers.
With throttling, you run a function immediately, then wait a specified amount of time before running it again. Any additional attempts to run it before that time period is over are ignored.
With debouncing, after the relevant event fires a specified time period must pass uninterrupted in order for your function to run. When the time period has passed uninterrupted, that last attempt to run the function is the one that runs, with any previous attempts ignored.
Striking a Balance Between Native and Custom Select Elements (on CSS-Tricks)
We’re not going to try to replicate everything that the browser does by default with a native select element. We’re going to literally use a select element when any assistive tech is used. But when a mouse is being used, we’ll show the styled version and make it function as a select element.
How to use npm as a build tool
Kieth Cirkel explains how using npm to run the scripts
field of package.json
is a great, simple alternative to more complex build tools. The article is now quite old but because it contains so many goodies, and since I’ve been using the approach more and more (for example to easily compile CSS on my personal website), it’s definitely worth bookmarking and sharing.
npm’s scripts directive can do everything that these build tools can, more succinctly, more elegantly, with less package dependencies and less maintenance overhead.
JavaScript Arrow Functions
JavaScript arrow functions are one of those bits of syntax about which I occasionally have a brain freeze. Here’s a quick refresher for those moments.
How to optimise performance when using Google-hosted fonts (on CSS Wizardry)
A combination of asynchronously loading CSS, asynchronously loading font files, opting into FOFT, fast-fetching asynchronous CSS files, and warming up external domains makes for an experience several seconds faster than the baseline.
Modern CSS Solutions
Modern CSS Solutions for Old CSS Problems
CSS Section Separator Generator (on wweb.dev)
A handy tool that generates the required HTML and CSS for various section separator effects (including diagonal lines, spikes, and waves) by cleverly manipulating backgrounds and generated content.
I have to reluctanctly agree on this one. I’ve interviewed quite a few candidates for “front-end developer” (or similarly named) positions over recent years and the recurring pattern is that they are strong on JavaScript (though not necessarily the right time to use it) and weak on HTML, CSS and the “bigger picture”.
grep.app searches code from over a half million public repositories on GitHub.
How to get started with web development (Go Make Things)
Here’s Chris Ferdinandi with a list of resources to help those who are new to web development get started. I’m keeping this one handy so I can share it with any friends who’re thinking of getting into this game.
How to create an accordion hover effect with box-shadows (Sarah L. Fossheim)
In this tutorial we'll use the box-shadow property to create a layered card component, and animate it on hover.
4 Ways to Animate the Color of a Text Link on Hover | CSS-Tricks
Let’s create a pure CSS effect that changes the color of a text link on hover – but slide that new color in instead of simply swapping colors.
HTML attributes to improve your users’ two factor authentication experience (Twilio
In this post we have seen that with just a sprinkling of HTML attributes we can improve the login experience for our users, particularly on mobile devices.
Screen - Work together like you're in the same room
Fast screen sharing with multiplayer control, drawing & video.
Block Links: A tricky UI Problem
You have a “card” component which includes a heading, some text, an image, and a link to the full article, and it’s working great. Then along comes a UX requirement that the full card (not just the button or link) should be clickable. This is where things get complicated.
Fixing Github Command Line Authentication Issues
On at least two ocassions I’ve found myself scratching my head when an attempted push to a newly-created Github repo is met with authentication failures, despite me being sure I’m using the correct credentials.
Here’s the lowdown on the issue and how to resolve it.
My Codepen Cheatsheet
I’m finding Codepen to be more and more valuable not only for testing out new code and ideas, but also – when working on large applications – as a time-saving rapid prototyping environment which sidesteps the overhead of back-end set-up. Here are some tips which I’ve found useful, for future reference.
My VS Code Cheatsheet
Here’s a list of useful (Mac-based) VS Code tips for my reference and yours.
You Don't Need
A nice list of tips and tools on how to use simpler browser standards and APIs to avoid the added weight of unnecessary JavaScript and libraries.
Testing Stimulus Controllers
RegExr: Learn, Build, and Test RegEx
RegExr is an online tool to learn, build, & test Regular Expressions.
Async and Await
My notes and reminders for handling promises with async
and await
In Real Life.
Modest JS Works
Pascal Laliberté has written a short, free, web-based book which advocates a modest and layered approach to using JavaScript.
I make the case for The JS Gradient, a principle whereby your app can have multiple coexisting modern JS approaches, starting from the global sprinkles to spot view-models to, yes, an SPA if that’s really necessary. At each point in the gradient, you’ll see when it’s a good idea to go a step further toward heavier JavaScript, or not.
My Ruby and Rails Cheatsheet
I’m no Ruby engineer however even as a front-end developer I’m sometimes called upon to work on Rails applications that require me to know my way around. Here are my notes and reminders.
Subgrid for CSS Grid launches in Firefox 71
Subgrid for CSS Grid Layout has arrived in Firefox and it looks great. Here’s how I wrapped my head around the new concepts.
Using CSS Custom Properties to streamline animation
Thanks to a great tip from Lucas Hugdahl on Twitter, here’s how to use CSS custom properties (variables) in your transforms so you don't need to rewrite the whole transform
rule in order to transition
(animate) a single property.
Colors – a nicer color palette for the web
Skinning your prototypes just got easier - colors.css is a collection of skin classes to use while prototyping in the browser.
“Your interview test for junior developer” (from Bruce Lawson on Twitter)
"Ok, as part of your interview test for junior developer, we want you to put some words, an image and some links onto a webpage. We use Node, Docker, Kubernetes, React, Redux, Puppeteer, Babel, Bootstrap, Webpack,
. Go!"
Progressively Enhanced JavaScript with Stimulus
I’m dipping my toes into Stimulus, the JavaScript micro-framework from Basecamp. Here are my initial thoughts.
How to manage JavaScript dependencies
Managing JavaScript dependencies is about as much fun as a poke in the eye. However even if—like me—you prefer to keep things lean and dependency-free as far as possible, it’s something you’re going to need to do either in large work projects or as your personal side-project grows. In this post I tackle it head-on to reduce the problem to some simple concepts and practical techniques.
Jank-free Responsive Images
Here’s how to improve performance and prevent layout jank when browsers load responsive images.
Replicating Jekyll’s markdownify filter in Nunjucks with Eleventy
Here, Ed provides some handy code to convert a Markdown-formatted string into HTML in Nunjucks via an Eleventy shortcode.
Relearn CSS layout: Every Layout
Every now and then something comes along in the world of web design that represents a substantial shift. The launch of Every Layout, a new project from Heydon Pickering and Andy Bell, feels like one such moment.
Native lazy-loading for the web
Now that we have the HTML attribute loading
we can set loading="lazy"
on our website’s media, and the loading of non-critical, below-the-fold media will be deferred until the user scrolls to them.
Fringe Making
Last Tuesday, 20/8/19 I made the train trip east for a day at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
From dynamic to static
“I’ll just make a few small tweaks to my website…” said I. Cut to three sleep-deprived days later and I’ve rebuilt it, SSG/JAMstack-stylee with Eleventy and Netlify and entirely re-coded the front-end. Silly, but so far so good, and it’s greasy fast!
Resources for special typographic characters
A collection of resources for finding that curly quote or em dash character quickly.
Saying bye-bye to autoprefixer
For a while now I’ve been using gulp-autoprefixer as part of my front-end build system. However, I’ve just removed it from my boilerplate. Here’s why.
Cookie Consent by Osano
The most popular drop-in solution to the EU Cookie Law requirements.
Real Favicon Generator
Knowing how best to serve, size and format favicons and other icons for the many different device types and operating systems can be a minefield. My current best practice approach is to create a 260px × 260px (or larger) source icon then upload it to Real Favicon Generator.
Intro to CSS 3D transforms
Excellent tutorials by David DeSandro. I’ve already used the card flip and it worked really well.
Flickity – touch, responsive, flickable carousels
This slider/carousel certainly looks nice, and I like author David DeSandro’s work, having taken inspiration from his 3d Card Flip tutorial for a recent project. I’d just like to dig into it a little further to see how it fares in terms of accessibility before using it in the wild.
Katherine Kato’s personal website
Some simple but inspiring work here from Seattle-based web developer Katherine Kato. I really like the use of space, the typography, the colour palette and the use of CSS grid for layout.
CSS pointer-events to the rescue
Sometimes, for reasons unknown, we find that clicking or tapping an element just isn’t working. Here’s a CSS-based approach that might help.
Polypane: The browser for responsive web development and design
Polypane is a browser built specifically for developing responsive websites. It can present typical device resolutions side-by-side (for example iphone SE next to iphone 7 next to iPad) but also has some nice features such as automatically creating views based on your stylesheet’s media query breakpoints.
Using aria-current is a win-win situation
The HTML attribute aria-current
allows us to indicate the currently active element in a sequence. It’s not only great for accessibility but also doubles as a hook to style that element individually.
Using CSS display: contents to snap grandchild elements to a grid
I realised last night while watching a presentation by Lea Verou that I could streamline my CSS Grid layouts.
How to control SVG icon size and colour in context
A while back I read a great SVG icon tip from Andy Bell which I’d been meaning to try and finally did so today. Andy recommended that for icons with text labels we set the width
and height
of the icons to 1em
since that will size them proportionately to the adjacent text and additionally lets us use font-size
to make any further sizing tweaks.
Check localhost development on your iPhone
Here’s how to check the application you’re running locally on your MacBook on your iPhone.
Box Shadow around the full box
Sometimes when coding a UI element you want a shadow around the whole box. However, most CSS box-shadow examples/tutorials tend to show inset box-shadows or ones that otherwise sit off to the side.
Here’s how to apply box-shadow
to the whole box for a simple but nice effect.
And here’s how it looks:
Certbot Troubleshooting
When taking the DIY approach to building a new server, Certbot is a great option for installing secure certificates. However, sometimes you can run into problems. Here, I review the main recurring issues I’ve encountered and how I fixed them.
W3C HTML Element Sampler
In all my years of spinning up “HTML Typographic Elements” lists or pages as a reference for designers, I didn’t realise that the W3C provide the very thing I needed in their HTML Element Sampler. These pages provide comprehensive dummy content covering all the main typographic elements which is really handy when designing a website’s typographic styles and pattern library.
My Git Cheatsheet
I’ve used Git for many years but it can still trip me up. At times I’ve worked primarily in a GUI (like Sourcetree or Fork), and other times directly on the command line. I’ve worked on projects where I’ve been the sole developer and others where I’m part of a large team. Regardless of the tools or context, I’ve learned there are certain need-to-knows. Here’s a list of useful Git concepts and commands for my reference and yours.
Rubadub App
Rubadub have a new mobile app that delivers the RaD crew’s top vinyl recommendations (the best around) direct to your phone.
A Dao of Web Design (on A List Apart)
John Allsopp’s classic article in which he looks at the medium of web design through the prism of the Tao Te Ching, and encourages us to embrace the web’s inherent flexibility and fluidity.
It’s time to throw out the rituals of the printed page, and to engage the medium of the web and its own nature.
It’s choc-full of quotable lines, but here are a few of my favourites:
We must “accept the ebb and flow of things.”
Everything I’ve said so far could be summarized as: make pages which are adaptable.
The web’s greatest strength, I believe, is often seen as a limitation, as a defect. It is the nature of the web to be flexible, and it should be our role as designers and developers to embrace this flexibility, and produce pages which, by being flexible, are accessible to all. The journey begins by letting go of control, and becoming flexible.
Meet the New Dialog Element
Introducing dialog
: a new, easier, standards-based means of rendering a popup or modal dialogue.
The best way to Install Node.js and NPM on a Mac
In modern front-end development, we tend to use a number of JavaScript-based build tools (such as task runners like Gulp) which have been created using Node.js and which we install using NPM. Here’s the best way I’ve found for installing and maintaining Node and NPM on a Mac.
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