Managing JavaScript dependencies is about as much fun as a poke in the eye. However even if—like me—you prefer to keep things lean and dependency-free as far as possible, it’s something you’re going to need to do either in large work projects or as your personal side-project grows. In this post I tackle it head-on to reduce the problem to some simple concepts and practical techniques.
In modern JavaScript applications, we can add tried-and-tested open source libraries and utilities by installing packages from the NPM registry. This can aid development by letting you concentrate on your application’s unique features rather than reinventing the wheel for already-solved common tasks.
A typical example might be to add axios or node-fetch to a Node.js project to provide a means of making API calls.
We can use a package manager such as yarn or npm to install packages. When our package manager installs a package it logs it as a project dependency which is to say that the project depends upon its presence to function properly.
It then follows that anyone who wants to run the application should first install its dependencies.
And it’s the responsibility of the project owner (you and your team) to manage the project’s dependencies over time. This involves:
- updating packages when they release security patches;
- maintaining compatibility by staying on package upgrade paths; and
- removing installed packages when they are no longer necessary for your project.
While it’s important to keep your dependencies updated, in a recent survey by Sonatype 52% of developers said they find dependency management painful. And I have to agree that it’s not something I generally relish. However over the years I’ve gotten used to the process and found some things that work for me.
A simplified process
The whole process might go something like this (NB install yarn if you haven’t already).
# Start installing and managing 3rd-party packages.
# (only required if your project doesn’t already have a package.json)
yarn init # or npm init
# Install dependencies (in a project which already has a package.json)
yarn # or npm i
# Add a 3rd-party library to your project
yarn add package_name # or npm i package_name
# Add package as a devDependency.
# For tools only required in the local dev environment
# e.g. CLIs, hot reload.
yarn add -D package_name # or npm i package_name --save-dev
# Add package but specify a particular version or semver range
# It’s often wise to do this to ensure predictable results.
# caret (^) is useful: allows upgrade to minor but not major versions.
# is >=1.2.3 <2.0.0
yarn add package_name@^1.2.3
# Remove a package
# use this rather than manually deleting from package.json.
# Updates yarn.lock, package.json and removes from node_modules.
yarn remove package_name # or npm r package_name
# Update one package (optionally to a specific version/range)
yarn upgrade package_name
yarn upgrade package_name@^1.3.2
# Review (in a nice UI) all packages with pending updates,
# with the option to upgrade whichever you choose
yarn upgrade-interactive
# Upgrade to latest versions rather than
# semver ranges you’ve defined in package.json.
yarn upgrade-interactive -—latest
Responding to a security vulnerability in a dependency
If you host your source code on GitHub it’s a great idea to enable Dependabot. Essentially Dependabot has your back with regard to any dependencies that need updated. You set it to send you automated security updates by email so that you know straight away if a vulnerability has been detected in one of your project dependencies and requires action.
Helpfully, if you have multiple Github repos and more than one of those include the vulnerable package you also get a round-up email with a message something like “A new security advisory on lodash affects 8 of your repositories” with links to the alert for each repo, letting you manage them all at once.
Dependabot also works for a variety of languages and techologies—not just JavaScript—so for example in a Rails project it might email you to suggest bumping a package in your Gemfile
Automated upgrades
Sometimes the task is straightforward. The Dependabot alert email tells you about a vulnerability in a package you explicitly installed and the diligent maintainer has already made a patch release available.
A simple upgrade
to the relevant patch version would do the job, however Dependabot can even take care of that for you! Dependabot can automatically open a new Pull Request which addresses the vulnerability by updating the relevant dependency. It’ll give the PR a title like
You just need to approve and merge that PR. This is great; it’s really simple and takes care of lots of cases.
Note 1: if you work on a corporate repo that is not set up to “automatically open PRs”, often you can still take advantage of Github’s intelligence with just one or two extra manual steps. Just follow the links in your Github security alert email.
Note 2: Dependabot can also be set to do automatic version updates even when your installed version does not have a vulnerability. You can enable this by adding a dependabot.yml
to your repo. But so far I’ve tended to avoid unpredictability and excess noise by having it manage security updates only.
Manual upgrades
Sometimes Dependabot will alert you to an issue but is unable to fix it for you. Bummer.
This might be because the package owner has not yet addressed the security issue. If your need to fix the situtation is not super-urgent, you could raise an issue on the package’s Github repo asking the maintainer (nicely) if they’d be willing to address it… or even submit a PR applying the fix for them. If you don’t have the luxury of time, you’ll want to quickly find another package which can do the same job. An example here might be that you look for a new CSS minifier package because your current one has a longstanding security issue. Having identified a replacement you’d then remove
package A, add
package B, then update your code which previously used package A to make it work with package B. Hopefully only minimal changes will be required.
Alternatively the package may have a newer version or versions available but Depandabot can’t suggest a fix because:
- the closest new version’s version number is beyond the allowed range you specified in
for the package; or - Dependabot can’t be sure that upgrading wouldn’t break your application.
If the package maintainer has released newer versions then you need to decide which to upgrade to. Your first priority is to address the vulnerability, so often you’ll want to minimise upgrade risk by identifying the closest non-vulnerable version. You might then run yarn upgrade <package…>@1.3.2
. Note also that you may not need to specify a specific version because your package.json
might already specify a semver range which includes your target version, and all that’s required is for you to run yarn upgrade
or yarn upgrade <package>
so that the specific “locked” version (as specified in yarn.lock
) gets updated.
On other occasions you’ll read your security advisory email and the affected package will sound completely unfamiliar… likely because it’s not one you explicitly installed but rather a sub-dependency. Y’see, your dependencies have their own package.json
and dependencies, too. It seems almost unfair to have to worry about these too, however sometimes you do. The vulnerability might even appear several times as a sub-dependency in your lock file’s dependency tree. You need to check that lock file (it contains much more detail than package.json
), work out which of your top-level dependencies are dependent on the sub-dependency, then go check your options.
Update: use yarn why sockjs
(replacing sockjs
as appropriate) to find out why a module you don’t recognise is installed. It’ll let you know what module depends upon it, to help save some time.
When having to work out the required update to address a security vulnerability in a package that is a subdependency, I like to quickly get to a place where the task is framed in plain English, for example:
To address a vulnerability in
we need to upgradekarma
to the closest available version above4.4.1
where its dependency onxmlhttprequest-ssl
Case Study 1
I was recently alerted to a “high severity” vulnerability in package xmlhttprequest-ssl
Dependabot cannot update
to a non-vulnerable version. The latest possible version that can be installed is1.5.5
because of the following conflicting dependency:@11ty/eleventy@0.12.1
via a transitive dependency
. The earliest fixed version is1.6.2
So, breaking that down:
versions less than1.6.2
have a security vulnerability;- that’s a problem because my project currently uses version
(via semver range~1.5.4
), which I was able to see from checkingpackage-lock.json
; - I didn’t explicitly install
. It’s at the end of a chain of dependencies which began at thedependencies
of the package@11ty/eleventy
, which I did explicitly install; - To fix things I want to be able to install a version of Eleventy which has updated its own dependencies such there’s no longer a subdependency on the vulnerable version of
; - but according to the Dependabot message that’s not possible because even the latest version of Eleventy (0.12.1) is indirectly dependent on a vulnerable version-range of
); - based on this knowledge, Dependabot cannot recommend simply upgrading Eleventy as a quick fix.
So I could:
- decide it’s safe enough to wait some time for Eleventy to resolve it; or
- request Eleventy apply a fix (or submit a PR with the fix myself); or
- stop using Eleventy.
Case Study 2
A while ago I received the following security notification about a vulnerability affecting a side-project repo.
dot-prop < 4.2.1 “Prototype pollution vulnerability in dot-prop npm package before versions 4.2.1 and 5.1.1 allows an attacker to add arbitrary properties to JavaScript language constructs such as objects.
I wasn’t familar with dot-prop
but saw that it’s a library that lets you “Get, set, or delete a property from a nested object using a dot path”. This is not something I explicitly installed but rather a sub-dependency—a lower-level library that my top-level packages (or their dependencies) use.
Github was telling me that it couldn’t automatically raise a fix PR, so I had to fix it manually. Here’s what I did.
- looked in
and found no sign ofdot-prop
; - started thinking that it must be a sub-dependency of one or more of the packages I had installed, namely
; - looked in
and via a Cmd-F search fordot-prop
I found that it appeared twice; - the first occurrence was as a top-level element of
s top-leveldependencies
object. This object lists all of the project’s dependencies and sub-dependencies in alphabetical order, providing for each the details of the specific version that is actually installed and “locked”; - I noted that the installed version of
, which made sense in the context of the Github security message; - the other occurrence of
was buried deeper within the dependency tree as a dependency ofconfigstore
; - I was able to work backwards and see that
is required byconfigstore
then Cmd-F search forconfigstore
to find that it was required byupdate-notifier
, which is turn is required bynodemon
; - I had worked my way up to a top-level dependency
(installed version1.19.2
) and worked out that I would need to updatenodemon
to a version that had resolved thedot-prop
vulnerability (if such a version existed); - I then googled “nodemon dot-prop” and found some fairly animated Github issue threads between Remy the maintainer of
and some users of the package, culminating in a fix; - I checked nodemon’s releases and ascertained that my only option if sticking with
was to installv2.0.3
—a new major version. I wouldn’t ideally install a version which might include breaking changes but in this casenodemon
was just adevDependency
, not something which should affect other parts of the application, and a developer convenience at that so I went for it safe in the knowledge that I could happily remove this package if necessary; - I opened
and withindevDependencies
manually updatednodemon
. (If I was in ayarn
context I’d probably have done this at the command line). I then rannpm i nodemon
to reinstall the package based on its new version range which would also update the lock file. I was then prompted to runnpm audit fix
which I did, and then I was done; - I pushed the change, checked my Github repo’s security section and noted that the alert (and a few others besides) had disappeared. Job’s a goodun!
Proactively checking for security vulnerabilities
It’s a good idea on any important project to not rely on automated alerts and proactively address vulnerabilities.
Check for vulnerabilities like so:
yarn audit
# for a specific level only
yarn audit --level critical
yarn audit --level high
Files and directories
When managing dependencies, you can expect to see the following files and directories.
(this is the directory into which packages are installed)
Lock files
As well as package.json
, you’re likely to also have yarn.lock
(or package.lock
or package-lock.json
) under source control too. As described above, while package.json
can be less specific about a package’s version and suggest a semver range, the lock file will lock down the specific version to be installed by the package manager when someone runs yarn
or npm install
You shouldn’t manually change a lock file.
Choosing between dependencies
and devDependencies
Whether you save an included package under dependencies
(the default) or devDependencies
comes down to how the package will be used and the type of website you’re working on.
The important practical consideration here is whether the package is necessary in the production environment. By production environment I don’t just mean the customer-facing website/application but also the enviroment that builds the application for production.
In a production “build process” environment (i.e. one which likely has the environment variable NODE_ENV
set to production
) the devDependencies
are not installed. devDependencies
are packages considered necessary for development only and therefore to keep production build time fast and output lean, they are ignored.
As an example, my personal site is JAMstack-based using the static site generator (SSG) Eleventy and is hosted on Netlify. On Netlify I added a NODE_ENV
environment variable and set it to production
(to override Netlify’s default setting of development
) because I want to take advantage of faster build times where appropriate. To allow Netlify to build the site on each push I have Eleventy under dependencies
so that it will be installed and is available to generate my static site.
By contrast, tools such as Netlify’s CLI and linters go under devDependencies
. Netlify’s build prorcess does not require them, nor does any client-side JavaScript.
Upgrading best practices
- Check the package CHANGELOG or releases on Github to see what has changed between versions and if there have been any breaking changes (especially when upgrading to the latest version).
- Use a dedicated PR (Pull Request) for upgrading packages. Keep the tasks separate from new features and bug fixes.
- Upgrade to the latest minor version (using
yarn upgrade-interactive
) and merge that before upgrading to major versions (usingyarn upgrade-interactive -—latest
). - Test your work on a staging server (or Netlify preview build) before deploying to production.