Tagged “github”
Web Component GitHub Starter Template, by David Darnes
David’s template provides not just the starter component code but also a nice readme, issue template, and publish-to-NPM flow.
Improved focus indicators for keyboard navigation (on GitHub’s blog)
GitHub have recently done some good work on improving keyboard navigation for (and general usability of) their focusable elements such as links, buttons and form controls by improving focus indication. And then they wrote a short-but-sweet article about it, then tweeted to share that and their work is getting lots of positive recognition from all the right people. Nice job all round, GitHub!
grep.app searches code from over a half million public repositories on GitHub.
Fixing Github Command Line Authentication Issues
On at least two ocassions I’ve found myself scratching my head when an attempted push to a newly-created Github repo is met with authentication failures, despite me being sure I’m using the correct credentials.
Here’s the lowdown on the issue and how to resolve it.
IndieWeb Link Sharing | Max Böck
A pain point of the IndieWeb is that it's sometimes not as convenient to share content as it is on the common social media platforms… That’s why I wanted to improve this process for my site.
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