Tagged “components”
Design Systems should avoid “God components” and Swiss Army Knives
Something we often talk about in our Design System team is that components should not be like Swiss Army Knives. It’s better for them to be laser-focused because by limiting their scope to a single task they are more reusable and support a more extensible system through composition.
The Component Gallery
The component gallery is an up-to-date list of interface component examples. It’s really helpful for looking up existing naming conventions. It also contains a list of Design Systems.
Reusable code snippets and components in Eleventy
There are (at least) three cunning ways in Eleventy to get “reusable snippet” or “reusable component” functionality.
Crafting Component API, Together (by Nathan Curtis, on Medium)
Nathan (of EightShapes) discusses how to unify anatomy and props across code and design tools.
Design system components, recipes, and snowflakes (on bradfrost.com)
An excellent article from Brad Frost in which he gives us some vocabulary for separating context-agnostic components intended for maximal use from specific variants and one-offs.
BEM Methodology
Documentation for the BEM component and CSS class-naming notation
methodology BEM was invented at Yandex to develop sites which should be launched fast and supported for a long time. It helps to create extendable and reusable interface components.
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