Tagged “techno”
Ewan’s celebration
Yesterday was the celebration of the life of Ewan (Ginny). It was a beautiful service held at The Hurlet crematorium then at No 10 Hotel.
Memories of a night at Tresor, 2005
I was recently sorting through some old stuff when I found a tatty old poster I used to love and that brought back good memories. It shows the gated basement vault of the original Tresor nightclub at Potsdamer Platz, Berlin. Smoke is billowing out of the room dramatically and it includes the text The Extremist. I bought or otherwise acquired this poster on a night in 2005 when me and friends Davie and Tom visited the famous club during a trip to Berlin.
Live at the Liquid Room, Tokyo (review by Pitchfork)
Pitchfork’s review of Jeff Mills’ seminal mixtape is the best-written and most enjoyable music article I’ve read in years. The mixtape in question is also very close to my heart.
Robert Henke CBM 8032 AV at Tramway, 29-09-23
Over the years I’ve seen Herr Henke (of Monolake fame) doing variously-themed live shows and in a variety of locations. I loved this particular show and it was made even better by catching him at The Tramway Theatre, one of my favourite venues and just 10 minutes walk from home.
I’ve just read Join the Future, by Matt Anniss
It’s important to set the record straight. Normally when people talk about the early UK scene the same few things get mentioned. The real underground never gets talked about."
Electronic Roots 01: The Story Of Axis, with Jeff Mills by OpenLab Radio (on SoundCloud)
Loved this thoughtful and insightful interview with Jeff Mills by Marcus Barnes.
Plant43 – Light Pollution
Having a nice moment revisiting this amazing 2006 Ai records double-header from @datassette and @plant43_ and remembering pre-lockdown Glasgow life.
Guest mix for Multiverse Sessions, December 2020 by Tom Churchill
Kicking off with an unreleased interlude by yours truly, it covers various shades of techno and electro from artists including @tapesjamaican, @pearsonsound, @reedalerise, @datashat, @legowelt-official, @cygnus and more.
Being – Broxburn Funk
Being’s Broxburn Funk arrived in today’s post and it’s a thing of beauty.

Enjoying it now with a ☕️. Amazing work all round—music, sound, artwork, the lot. Big up @WeeDjs for the stellar tunes and if @firecracker_rec’s 50th is their last, then they’ve finished with a bang.
07/01/21 DJ Mix – Manifold
First in a series of mainly short, off the cuff mixes where I just hit record and see where it goes. This one’s on the Electro tip, having kicked it off with Versalife’s Manifold from last year.
“Long Shot” DJ mix by The Nuclear Family
A mix of electronic, house and techno records I recorded at home in November 2019.
Everybody in the place
Enjoyed this acid house history lesson from Jeremy Deller – especially some of the footage from the early Manchester scene which I hadn’t seen before.
The Art of DJing: Jeff Mills (on Resident Advisor)
Fair play, Jeff – once this interview gets going it’s pretty damn good.
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