Saying bye-bye to autoprefixer
For a while now I’ve been using gulp-autoprefixer as part of my front-end build system. However, I’ve just removed it from my boilerplate. Here’s why.
Cookie Consent by Osano
The most popular drop-in solution to the EU Cookie Law requirements.
Real Favicon Generator
Knowing how best to serve, size and format favicons and other icons for the many different device types and operating systems can be a minefield. My current best practice approach is to create a 260px × 260px (or larger) source icon then upload it to Real Favicon Generator.
Everybody in the place
Enjoyed this acid house history lesson from Jeremy Deller – especially some of the footage from the early Manchester scene which I hadn’t seen before.
Bookshelf -
Just saw this – – and now I really need to up my book-logging game!
A Visit from the Goon Squad, by Jennifer Egan
Intrinsically Responsive CSS Grid with minmax and min
Evan Minto notes that flexible grids created with CSS Grid’s repeat
, auto-fill
, and minmax
are only intrinsically responsive (responsive to their container rather than the viewport) up to a point, because when the container width is narrower than the minimum width specified in minmax
the grid children overflow.
GOV.UK Design System
Use this design system to make your service consistent with GOV.UK. Learn from the research and experience of other service teams and avoid repeating work that’s already been done.
Intro to CSS 3D transforms
Excellent tutorials by David DeSandro. I’ve already used the card flip and it worked really well.
Flickity – touch, responsive, flickable carousels
This slider/carousel certainly looks nice, and I like author David DeSandro’s work, having taken inspiration from his 3d Card Flip tutorial for a recent project. I’d just like to dig into it a little further to see how it fares in terms of accessibility before using it in the wild.