Tagged “stimulus”
Adapting Stimulus usage for better Progressive Enhancement
A while back, Jake Archibald tweeted:
Don't render buttons on the server that require JS to work.
Testing Stimulus Controllers
Modest JS Works
Pascal Laliberté has written a short, free, web-based book which advocates a modest and layered approach to using JavaScript.
I make the case for The JS Gradient, a principle whereby your app can have multiple coexisting modern JS approaches, starting from the global sprinkles to spot view-models to, yes, an SPA if that’s really necessary. At each point in the gradient, you’ll see when it’s a good idea to go a step further toward heavier JavaScript, or not.
Loading and Templating JSON Responses in Stimulus.js (by John Beatty)
Just because Stimulus.js is designed to work primarily with existing HTML doesn’t mean it can’t use JSON APIs when the need arises.
Progressively Enhanced JavaScript with Stimulus
I’m dipping my toes into Stimulus, the JavaScript micro-framework from Basecamp. Here are my initial thoughts.
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