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Improved focus indicators for keyboard navigation (on GitHub’s blog)

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GitHub have recently done some good work on improving keyboard navigation for (and general usability of) their focusable elements such as links, buttons and form controls by improving focus indication. And then they wrote a short-but-sweet article about it, then tweeted to share that and their work is getting lots of positive recognition from all the right people. Nice job all round, GitHub!

Incidentally, that article they wrote really is very short. Maybe they’ll add to it later. The animated gif they include is very descriptive, mind you. And I noticed that they added the following alt text to it:

Animated gif of a customer using their keyboard to navigate a pull request, interactive UI elements receive a blue focus outline to show current location on the page. Key presses are shown in the bottom center of the image.

That feels like a good non-visual alternative description to me.

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