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Happy Anniversary, folks

I’ve reached the halfway point of short summer working weeks and long weekends, and they’ve been great so far. I began this long weekend with lunch at the Broadcroft Hotel in Kirkintilloch for my parents’ emerald anniversary. My Uncle Liam was there too and we all really enjoyed it.

I had panko breaded Stornoway black pudding with apricot & plum chutney to start, followed by fish pie, then a coffee to finish. In the words of Larry David it was all pretty, pretty good. It’s also pretty, pretty impressive that my folks have been married fifty-five years. My mum was delighted to find a specific Emerald Anniversary card to give Dad, which contained some amusing words about their steadfast love!

Saturday was even more of a food-fest. After a blissful long walk at Pollok Park with Rudy where we spotted a baby highland cow, I met Clair for breakfast at Outlier. The food was nice (I had scrambled eggs on toast with trout) although there was a reassuringly long wait for it. (To be fair, they were mobbed when I arrived). Have to also mention: their cakes are banging!

Later, I visited Martin and Izzie where Paul and Rita were visiting with their lovely twin baby boys Liam and Jack. The hosts treated us to some french delights – saucisson, cheese, brioche, lentils, lovely bread – and the assembled friends enjoyed a good natter about life, work and travels.

Kiro Tempura have returned to our area as a popup and later on Saturday night Clair and I paid a visit. We had a tempura set of hake, mackerel, prawn, sweet potato, pumpkin, greenbeans and sweetcorn and it was delicious. Hope it goes well for those guys – the food was ace and the service friendly.

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