My Sketch Cheatsheet
Here’s a list of useful (Mac-based) Sketch tips for my reference and yours.
Bram Stein’s personal website
Bram Stein, a software architect at Adobe, wrote the book on Webfonts, so it’s no surprise that his own website showcases some pretty beautiful typography. automate your outgoing webmentions is a great new project by Remy Sharp. He created it because he noticed that while adding webmentions to your site is relatively straightforward, sending outgoing webmentions is less so.
Unsplash – Beautiful free images and pictures
The internet’s source of freely usable images. Powered by creators everywhere.
Guest reggae and dub mix on Vic’s Sunday Soundclash
A couple of weeks ago I was kindly asked to provide a guest DJ mix for the Vic’s Sunday Soundclash show on Radio Magnetic.
You can listen to the show on demand.
Codrops CSS Reference
Here’s a comprehensive and great-looking CSS reference featuring lots of examples.
Making a slider with just HTML and CSS (on CSS-Tricks)
Sliders (or carousels) are a fairly common practical requirement in web projects. Here, Chris Coyier shows us how far we can get in 2019 with HTML and CSS alone.
'Easy Sass' extension for Visual Studio Code (from wojciechsura on GitHub)
Automatically compiles SASS/SCSS files to .css and .min.css upon saving. You may also quickly compile all SCSS/SASS files in your project.
Fading out siblings on hover in CSS (by Trys Mudford)
Here’s a nice CSS-only hover technique from Trys Mudford incorporating scale transforms, opacity transitions and mouse pointer events.
Don’t set cursor: pointer on buttons
For many years I’ve been applying cursor: pointer
to buttons because it felt right and would improve the user experience.