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Tagged “personalsite”

First time at Homebrew Website Club, Edinburgh

Recently my work colleague Francesco told me about a new Edinburgh branch of Homebrew Website Club. Exciting! I unfortunately couldn’t make their first event but just attended their second event. Here’s how it was billed:

Join us in Edinburgh for demos of personal sites, recent breakthroughs, discussions about the independent web, and to meet IndieWeb community members!

It was good fun! Great to chat about and personal websites and writing with fellow tinkerers. I’m sure I’ll be back.

Features of my personal website

I like the metaphor for personal websites of tending to a digital garden.

Like all gardens, they can become a bit unruly and need some weeding. Right now, as I consider updating some software and freshening things up, I realise that I’ve let it overgrow a tad.

So, here’s a post in which I’ll log my website’s current features. This should be useful in and of itself as a stepping stone to writing a proper readme. However it’ll also help me reflect on my website’s health and maintainability so I can decide which features to nourish and which to prune.

Note: this post will take a bit of time and a few sessions, so please regard it as a work in progress.

A well known URL for your personal avatar (by Jim Neilsen)

I really like Jim’s idea of putting an avatar file somewhere that’s memorable and easy to access by me wherever I am and that also (in the future) might be automatically grabbable by any platform that needs my avatar.

Robb Owen - Independent Creative Developer

Definite “personal website goals” here in Robb’s beautiful online portfolio and blog.

From interaction design to scaleable design systems, single-page apps to something more experimental with WebGL. I help awesome people to build ambitious yet accessible web projects - the wilder, the better.

From dynamic to static

“I’ll just make a few small tweaks to my website…” said I. Cut to three sleep-deprived days later and I’ve rebuilt it, SSG/JAMstack-stylee with Eleventy and Netlify and entirely re-coded the front-end. Silly, but so far so good, and it’s greasy fast!

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