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GOV.UK visitor stats for January 2022

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Thanks once again to Matt Hobbs and GOV.UK for sharing their website visitor stats publicly so that we can learn from them. As ever, lots of juicy detail in Matt’s thread.

GOV.UK stats for January (1-31):

- Chrome - 45.08%

- Safari - 36.82%

- Edge - 7.38%

- Samsung Internet - 7.08%

- Firefox - 1.35%

- Android Webview - 0.72%

- Safari (in-app) - 0.61%

- Internet Explorer - 0.5%

100% = 187,969,863


—Matt Hobbs, @TheRealNooshu

In particular, their “usage by device type” stats see mobile at ~67%, Desktop at ~30.5%, Tablet at ~2.5%.

In terms of comparative traffic, according to Simliar Web’s Top 10 most visited UK websites list they’re hovering around #10.

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