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How to control SVG icon size and colour in context

A while back I read a great SVG icon tip from Andy Bell which I’d been meaning to try and finally did so today. Andy recommended that for icons with text labels we set the width and height of the icons to 1em since that will size them proportionately to the adjacent text and additionally lets us use font-size to make any further sizing tweaks.

$$ in the DevTools Console

I learned something new today when developing in the Firefox Dev Tools console (although this applies to Chrome too)—something which was really useful and which I thought I’d share.

Basically, type $$('selector') into the console (replacing selector as desired) and it’ll give you back all matching elements on the page.

Accessible modal dialogues in 2019

I previously noted Keith J Grant’s article on the HTML dialog element which promised a native means of handling popups and modal dialogues. I’ve not yet used dialog in production, partly because of spotty browser support (although there is a polyfill) but also partly because—for reasons I couldn’t quite put my finger on after reading the spec—it just didn’t feel like the finished article.

Box Shadow around the full box

Sometimes when coding a UI element you want a shadow around the whole box. However, most CSS box-shadow examples/tutorials tend to show inset box-shadows or ones that otherwise sit off to the side.

Here’s how to apply box-shadow to the whole box for a simple but nice effect.

.box-with-shadow {
box-shadow: 0 0 4px #ccc;

And here’s how it looks:

Lorem ipsum

Details and summary for no-JavaScript disclosure widgets

The fairly-recently added <details> element is a great, native HTML way to toggle content visibility.

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>

<summary>System Requirements</summary>
<p>Requires a computer running an operating system. The computer
must have some memory and ideally some kind of long-term storage.</p>

<p class="end">Remember: built-in beats bolt-on, bigly!</p>

<details> is great but there are a few gotchas:

  • Not totally flexible design-wise
  • Unsuitable for accordions with multiple sibling elements unless you add some JS
  • Unsupported in IE 11 (but content is still available)
:root {
font-size: 110%;
font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial,
  sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji";


button {
font-size: inherit;

.end {
margin-top: 2rem;

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