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Testing Stimulus Controllers

Stimulus JS is great but doesn’t provide any documentation for testing controllers, so here’s some of my own that I’ve picked up.

Required 3rd-party libraries

Basic Test

// hello_controller.test.js
import { Application as StimulusApp } from "stimulus";
import HelloController from "path/to/js/hello_controller";

describe("HelloController", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// Insert the HTML and register the controller
document.body.innerHTML = `
<div data-controller="hello">
<input data-target="" type="text">
<button data-action="click->hello#greet">
<span data-target="hello.output">
StimulusApp.start().register('hello', HelloController);

it("inserts a greeting using the name given", () => {
const helloOutput = document.querySelector("[data-target='hello.output']");
const nameInput = document.querySelector("[data-target='']");
const greetButton = document.querySelector("button");
// Change the input value and click the greet button
nameInput.value = "Laurence";;
// Check we have the correct greeting
expect(helloOutput).toHaveTextContent("Hello, Laurence!");

Clair and I just watched The Farewell, a comedy-drama film written and directed by Lulu Wang starring Awkwafina and Zhao Shuzhen, and really enjoyed it. Interesting/difficult subject matter and really nicely done. If you need a break from grisly murder cases etc then I can heartily recommend it.

As I got on my usual bus from Stockwell St to Vic Rd this eve, I noticed it was the same driver whose bus I’d taken twice last week and both times it had broken down – that’s two days in a row – leaving me to walk home in the usual January post-apocalyptic shitstorm. I got on his bus today and no sooner was it 200 yards down the road than it crashed into a taxi, across from Marks and Sparks. Everybody out – again. That’s 3 times I’ve been on his bus, and three times it’s broken down for one reason or another. The shittest hat-trick ever 😂. I need to find out this guy’s name so I can never get on a plane with him.

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