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Assistiv Labs

A tool for testing how accessible your experience is on various assistive technologies – perhaps “like BrowserStack but for screen readers”?

Assistiv Labs remotely connects you to real assistive technologies, like NVDA, VoiceOver, and TalkBack, using any modern web browser.

A Utility Class for Covering Elements (on CSS { In Real Life })

Need to overlay one HTML element on top of and fully covering another, such as a heading with translucent background on top of an image? Michelle Barker has us covered with this blog post in which she creates an overlay utility to handle this. She firstly shows how it can be accomplished with positioning, then modernises her code using the inset CSS logical property, before finally demonstrating a neat CSS Grid based approach.

Merch Table

A neat online tool (with a positive goal) which lets you paste in a link to one of your Spotify playlists then lets you know which of the tracks or albums are available to buy on Bandcamp.

Create an Automatically Responsive Flexbox Gallery (on

Here’s a lovely intrinsically responsive (no media queries) photo gallery solution from Stephanie Eckles. It can accommodate differently sized images and achieves its layout by a combination of flexbox features (flex-wrap, flex-basis) and by applying object-fit: cover to photos to make them fully cover their parent list items.

Big picture performance analysis using Lighthouse Parade (on Cloud Four)

I like the sound of this performance analysis tool from the clever folks at Cloud Four, especially because it covers your entire site rather than just a single page.

Lighthouse Parade is a Node.js command line tool that crawls a domain and gathers lighthouse performance data for every page. With a single command, the tool will crawl an entire site, run a Lighthouse report for each page, and then output a spreadsheet with the aggregated data.

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