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Tagged “whisky”

Getting into the Spirit of Alba

Mick had been saying for a couple of years that I should join him, sister Jenny and brother-in-law Barry on one of their jaunts to the annual Spirit of Alba festival at Kirkintilloch Town Hall. I’d always felt it’d be a nice opportunity for us to hang out (with the added bonus of whisky tasting) so yesterday I took him up on the offer.

Last time I was at Kirky town hall was probably for a disco as a teenager and I must say the venue and surrounding area are looking nice after recent work. It’s cool that my hometown has a whisky festival given its historic role in whisky’s global story – see Rita Cowan and the Japanese brand Nikka for more. It’s also quite the turnaround given Kirky was a dry town til the 70s.

I don’t have the constitution to go straight into the hard stuff so my first drink was Das ist ein lagerbier, a Helles from Upfront Brewing. It turns out that amiable owner Jake lives near me in the southside. It was then onto whisky tasters from The Glasgow Distillery’s lovely 1770 range, Angels’ Nectar and JG Thomson.

I also tried a couple of rums including a Dorchadas (from East Neuk Spirit Co) which they served as a shot with their own apple mixer. (Their website also handily contains lots of cocktail-making tips). That was so nice that I was close to buying a bottle as a souvenir of the day. But instead I plumped for Cihuatan Indigo, a delicious rum from El Salvador and Jenny’s top tip.

It was great to hang out with everyone and we capped the night by walking to Jenny and Barry’s lovely house for a curry. There was a colourful conclusion to the night but I’ll keep that particular tale to myself.

Sláinte to all concerned!

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