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Tagged “buttons”

Use CSS :has to set root-level styles based on a button’s state

Great tip here from Jhey. He advises using a button with ARIA and a little JavaScript for your dark-mode toggle. And to apply the dark styles, use a CSS selector which targets the :root parent of the button when in “pressed” state and sets a root-level custom property to “on”.

:root:has([aria-pressed=true]) {

Perceived affordances and the functionality mismatch (by Léonie Watson)

Léonie tackles the prickly subject of “element re-purposing” in web development. This post follows a fantastic Twitter exchange started by Lea Verou regarding whether the common visual design request for “adjacent but mututally exclusive buttons” should be built as radio buttons or using <button> elements.

Using one element or set of elements (usually because of their functionality) and styling them to look like something else is a common pattern […but…] it creates a mismatch between the actions people expect they can take and the ones they actually can.

Block Links: A tricky UI Problem

You have a “card” component which includes a heading, some text, an image, and a link to the full article, and it’s working great. Then along comes a UX requirement that the full card (not just the button or link) should be clickable. This is where things get complicated.

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