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Web Components Guide

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This new resource on Web Components from Keith Cirkel and Kristján Oddsson of GitHub (and friends) is looking great so far.

As I recently tweeted, I love that it’s demoing “vanilla” Web Components first rather than using a library for the demos.

So far I’ve found that the various web component development frameworks (Lit etc) are cool, but generally I’d like to see more demos that create components without using abstractions. The frameworks include dependencies, opinions and proprietary syntax that (for me at least) make an already tricky learning curve more steep so they’re not (yet) my preferred approach. Right now I want to properly understand what’s going on at the web standards level.

Aside from tutorials this guide also includes a great Learn section which digs into JavaScript topics such as Classes and Events and why these are important for Web Components.

I hope that in future the guide will cover testing Web Components too.

Lastly, I like the Embed Mastodon Toot web component tutorial, and to help it sink in (and save the code for posterity) I’ve chucked the code into a pen.

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