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Visiting Daniel and Helena and meeting Satan (not that one)

My nephew Daniel and his girlfriend Helena moved into their new home toward the end of last year. I was overdue a visit and rectified that today.

It was great to see them both and get the tour of their lovely home including back garden! I had to chuckle at the fairly intense metal music on quietly in the background. I don’t think they do laidback sounds – fair play to them!

Now I think about it, their music taste might provide an insight into why they named their dog Satan. And it was great to meet the wee guy! He’s a Kingpin – a miniature Pinscher and King Charles spaniel mix – who’s very affectionate and I was instantly smitten. They’re currently doing some of the same training we’ve done with Rudy to keep him a bit calmer.

I also picked up the (casually dropped-in) news that they are engaged, which is lovely to hear. They’re such a great couple.

I was treated to a lovely bacon roll and cup of tea so needless to say, I’ll be back. But maybe I should invite them to our place next time.

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