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Async and Await

My notes and reminders for handling promises with async and await In Real Life.

As I see it, the idea is to switch to using await when working with promise-returning, asynchronous operations (such as fetch) because it lends itself to more flexible and readable code.

async functions

The async keyword, when used before a function declaration like so async function f()):

  • defines an asynchronous function i.e. a function whose processes run after the main call stack and doesn’t block the main thread.
  • always returns a promise. (Its return value is implicitly wrapped in a resolved promise.)
  • allows us to use await.

The await operator

  • use the await keyword within async functions to wait for a Promise.
  • Example usage: const users = await fetch('/users')).
  • It makes the async function pause until that promise settles and returns its result.
  • It makes sense that it may only be used inside async functions so as to scope the “waiting” behaviour to that dedicated context.
  • It’s a more elegant syntax for getting a promise‘s result than promise.then.
  • If the promise resolves successfully, await returns the result.
  • If the promise rejects, await throws the error, just as if there were a throw statement at that line.
  • That throw causes execution of the current function to stop (so the next statements won't be executed), with control passed to the first catch block in the call stack. If no catch block exists among caller functions, the program will terminate.
  • Given this “continue or throw” behaviour, wrapping an await in a try...catch is a really nice and well-suited pattern for including error handling, providing flexibility and aiding readability.

Here’s a try...catch -based example. (NB let’s assume that we have a list of blog articles and a “Load more articles” button which triggers the loadMore() function):

export default class ArticleLoader {

async loadMore() {
const fetchURL = "";
try {
const newItems = await this.fetchItems(fetchURL);
// If we’re here, we know our promise fulfilled.
// We might add some additional `await`, or just…
// Render our new HTML items into the DOM.
} catch (err) {

async fetchArticles(url) {
const response = await fetch(url, { method: "GET" });
if (response.ok) {
return response.text();
throw new Error("Sorry, there was a problem fetching additional articles.");

displayError(err) {
const errorMsgContainer = document.querySelector("[data-target='error-msg']");
errorMsgContainer.innerHTML = `<span class="error">${err}</span>`;

Here’s another example. Let’s say that we needed to wait for multiple promises to resolve:

const allUsers = async () => {
try {
let results = await Promise.all([
// we’ll get here if the promise returned by await
// resolved successfully.
// We can output a success message.
// ...
} catch (err) {

Using await within a try...catch is my favourite approach but sometimes it’s not an option because we’re at the topmost level of the code therefore not in an async function. In these cases it’s good to remember that we can call an async function and work with its returned value like any promise, i.e. using then and catch.

For example:

async function loadUser(url) {
const response = await fetch(url);
if (response.status == 200) {
const json = await response.json();
return json;
throw new Error(response.status);

.then((json) => {
// resolved promise, so do something with the json
// ...
.catch((err) => {
// then() returns a promise, so is chainable.
// rejected promise, so do something with the json
document.body.innerHTML = "foo";


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