Minimalist Container Queries
Scott Jehl’s experimental take on a container/element query aimed at letting us set responsive styles for our elements based on their immediate context rather than that of the viewport.
I made a quick and minimal take on approximating Container/Element Queries using a web component and basic CSS selectors.
How-to: Create accessible forms - The A11Y Project
Here are five bite-sized and practical chunks of advice for creating accessible forms.
- Always label your inputs.
- Highlight input elements on focus.
- Break long forms into smaller sections/pages.
- Provide error messages (rather than just colour-based indicators)
- Avoid horizontal layout forms unless necessary.
Sets in JavaScript
I don’t often store things in a Set
in JavaScript, but maybe I should. The fact it will only store unique values makes it pretty handy.
Docsify – a magical Documentation Website generator
docsify generates your documentation website on the fly. Unlike GitBook, it does not generate static html files. Instead, it smartly loads and parses your Markdown files and displays them as a website.
The Atkinson Hyperlegible Font (Braille Institute)
Braille Institute launch a new, free typeface promising greater legibility and readability for low vision readers.
What makes it different from traditional typography design is that it focuses on letterform distinction to increase character recognition, ultimately improving readability.
Cheating Entropy with Native Web Technologies (on Jim Nielsen’s Weblog)
This is why, over years of building for the web, I have learned that I can significantly cut down on the entropy my future self will have to face by authoring web projects in vanilla HTML, CSS, and JS. I like to ask myself questions like:
- Could this be done with native ES modules instead of using a bundler?
- Could I do this with DOM scripting instead of using a JS framework?
- Could I author this in CSS instead of choosing a preprocessor?
Northern Road Trip, September 2020
How to hide elements on a web page
In order to code modern component designs we often need to hide then reveal elements. At other times we want to provide content to one type of user but hide it from another because it’s not relevant to their mode of browsing. In all cases accessibility should be front and centre in our thoughts. Here’s my approach, heavily inspired by Scott O’Hara’s definitive guide Inclusively Hidden.
How I read the web
I’m currently interested in how to spend less time on social media platforms so as to be less exposed to ads, algorithms and general ill-effects. One approach I’m trialling is going back to the old school and using RSS to receive and aggregate updates from the people I follow, allowing me to read them in a central, noise-free place and not have to use social platform websites and apps.
A Guide To The State Of Print Stylesheets In 2018 - Smashing Magazine
Rachel Andrew explains how to write CSS for a nicely optimised printed page that uses a minimum of ink and paper and ensures that content is easy to read.