Icon has Cheezburger (a Clearleft dConstruct newsletter)
Jeremy Keith deconstructs the cheeseburger icon and—referencing Luke Wroblewski’s Obvious Always Wins mantra—argues that while icons alone look tasty they risk users failing to understand and engage.
BBC WebCore Design System
A Storybook UI explorer containing the components and layouts for making the front end of a BBC web experience.
From designing interfaces to designing systems (on The history of the web)
A history of Design Systems by Jay Hoffman taking in (amongst other milestones) the notion of Front-end Style Guides, followed by the arrival of Bootstrap, then Brad Frost’s Atomic Design, culminating in the dawn of the Design System movement with Jina Anne’s Clarity Conference.
Buttons and links: definitions, differences and tips
On the web buttons and links are fundamentally different materials. However some design and development practices have led to them becoming conceptually “bundled together” and misunderstood. Practitioners can fall into the trap of seeing the surface-level commonality that “you click the thing, then something happens” and mistakenly thinking the two elements are interchangeable. Some might even consider them as a single “button component” without considering the distinctions underneath. However this mentality causes our users problems and is harmful for effective web development. In this post I’ll address why buttons and links are different and exist separately, and when to use each.
HTML with Superpowers (from Dave Rupert)
Here’s a great new presentation by Dave Rupert (of the Shop Talk show) in which he makes a compelling case for adopting Web Components. Not only do they provide the same benefits of encapsulation and reusability as components in proprietary JavaScript frameworks, but they also bring the reliability and portability of web standards, work without build tools, are suited to progressive enhancement, and may pave the way for a better web.
How to debug event listeners with your browser’s developer tools (on Go Make Things)
On the page, right-click the element you want to debug event listeners for, then click Inspect Element. In chromium-based browsers like MS Edge and Google Chrome, click the Event Listeners tab in Developer Tools. There, you’ll see a list of all of the events being listened to on that element. If you expand the event, you can see what element they’re attached to and click a link to open up the actual event listener itself in the JavaScript.
Conditional border-radius in CSS (by Ahmad Shadeed via CSS-Tricks)
Here’s a “media query free” CSS one-liner which lets you set an element to have no border-radius when it is the full width of the viewport, but otherwise to have a border-radius.
I’ve started reading Uncanny Valley, by Anna Wiener.
Thanks for the recommendation, @mrtomchurchill.
Design Engineering, on the Clearleft Podcast
Loved this short listen from Clearleft, on a subject close to my heart! New job titles can feel a bit “emperor’s new clothes” but with Design Engineering I think Clearleft, GitHub et al. might be onto something. It was fascinating hearing people from both design and engineering backgrounds give their perspectives, and how ultimately they’re addressing the same thing—the need to “finesse the overlaps/gaps” between design and the realisation of that design in engineering, especially in light of the complexities of the modern front-end.
Broken Copy, on
Here’s an accessibility tip that’s new to me. When the content of a heading, anchor, or other semantic HTML element contains smaller “chunks” of span
and em
(etc), the VoiceOver screen reader on Mac and iOS annoyingly fails to announce the content as a single phrase and instead repeats the parent element’s role for each inner element. We can fix that by adding an inner “wrapper” element inside our parent and giving it role=text