Tagged “typeface”
Issues with Source Code Pro in Firefox appear to be fixed
Last time I tried Source Code Pro as my monospaced typeface for code examples in blog posts, it didn’t work out. When viewed in Firefox it would only render in black meaning that I couldn’t display it in white on black for blocks of code. This led to me conceding defeat and using something simpler.
Source Serif 4
Here’s a nice demo page for Source Serif 4 which illustrates its versatility.
Source Serif is an open-source typeface for setting text in many sizes, weights, and languages. The design of Source Serif represents a contemporary interpretation of the transitional typefaces of Pierre-Simon Fournier. Additionally, Source Serif has been conceived as a friendly companion to Paul D. Hunt’s Source Sans.
Complete Guide to Source Sans Pro (on Beautiful Web Type)
At the time of writing, my personal website uses the typeface Source Sans Pro and has done for around two years. I already employ a number of its cool features however this lovely demo page provides further inspiration.
Source Sans Pro is a versatile typeface designed particularly for user interfaces. Its letterforms are slightly condensed allowing them to fit into tight spaces within a UI, and remain well-defined even at small sizes.
The Atkinson Hyperlegible Font (Braille Institute)
Braille Institute launch a new, free typeface promising greater legibility and readability for low vision readers.
What makes it different from traditional typography design is that it focuses on letterform distinction to increase character recognition, ultimately improving readability.
Jakarta Sans Typeface
Jakarta Sans is a nice-looking Open Source (so free to use) typeface which I reckon I could use at some point.
BLOKK - The new and better wireframing font
BLOKK is a font for quick mock-ups and wireframing for clients who do not understand latin.
FS Split Sans and FS Split Serif (fontsmith.com)
Although FS Split started out as a project to create a fresh, modern new sans, it has developed into a broad type family that can bring so much variety to everything from magazines and packaging to websites and branding. The conflicting yet harmonising nature of sans and serif should give designers the tools they need to be both bold and subtle, eclectic and ordinary, contemporary and classic.
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